R packages





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‘Rcpp’ (free of ‘Java’/‘Weka’) implementation of ‘FSelector’ entropy-based feature selection algorithms based on an MDL discretization (Fayyad U. M., Irani K. B.: Multi-Interval Discretization of Continuous-Valued Attributes for Classification Learning. In 13’th International Joint Conference on Uncertainly in Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI93), pages 1022-1029, Chambery, France, 1993.) https://www.ijcai.org/Proceedings/93-2/Papers/022.pdf with a sparse matrix support. It is also equipped with a parallel backend.


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Data depth concept offers a variety of powerful and user friendly tools for robust exploration and inference for multivariate data. The offered techniques may be successfully used in cases of lack of our knowledge on parametric models generating data due to their nature. The package consist of among others implementations of several data depth techniques involving multivariate quantile-quantile plots, multivariate scatter estimators, multivariate Wilcoxon tests and robust regressions.


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R’s interface for dragula library for moving around elements in shiny app.


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Create complicated drawing areas for multiple plots by combining much simpler layouts. It is an extended version of layout function from the ‘graphics’ package, but it also works with ‘grid’ graphics.





A lightweight package that adds progress bar to vectorized R functions (’*apply’). The implementation can easily be added to functions where showing the progress is useful (e.g. bootstrap). The type and style of the progress bar (with percentages or remaining time) can be set through options. Supports several parallel processing backends.